Thursday, March 17, 2016

500 Words for Quitting

I have an interesting life. I just see it from a boring perspective.
--Arunima Sangwan

With that quote I have managed to successfully describe everyone’s life ever. Especially my own.

This is my 10th try since the morning to write something… anything.  I had a start for each topic but I could never conclude any of the blogs. Why do people say the first step is always the hardest? I have finally decided on a topic and I was amazed how many things I did try. This is not boring. Boring doesn’t make you nostalgic.

Most of the people I’ve met in my life have not been afraid of starting anything new. They just weren’t sure how to take the second, third or fifth step. What I’m trying to say is beginning isn’t always the worst; it is continuing doing it that scares people. Today I’m just going to list the things I started but never continued:

(Started: March 31st, 2015; Ended: Sometime in September)

The biggest regret I have is not continuing this habit. I got pretty good with it by my standards. When I started I couldn’t run for more than 10 seconds. Yes! 10 seconds! Had a thief snatched my bag back then and I had to run behind him, I’d be thinking of the color of my next bag.
I had to stop because my jog trail isn’t cemented and it used to rain… a lot. I used to run 4km/2.5mi without stopping.

2. Daily Vlogs 
(Started: January 1st, 2016; Ended: January 8th, 2016)

Eight days! Just. Eight. Days. I uploaded the videos on my YouTube channel which, by the way, you can visit by clicking here. I still make videos on that channel but the vlogs are now private. I really liked the first 4 days of vlogs I had uploaded but I was so ashamed of not being able to continue it, I made them private.

3. Daily Journal 
(Started: A thousand times throughout my life; Ended: A thousand times throughout my life)

My mother writes in her journal fairly regularly. She’s had this habit for the last 20+ years. I’ve always been inspired by her and wanted to write about my life and people around me. I still want to write a real journal and not just write on the last pages of my notebooks.

4. Playing Guitar 
(Started: January 18th, 2013; Ended: August 15th, 2013)

This is one of the longest standing habits I had. My best friend bought a guitar so that we could learn together. We played guitar on an Independence Day function in the college. I played guitar every day between Jan 18 and Aug 15. I did pick up my guitar a couple of times after that but I had gotten so bad I just couldn’t inflict the pain of hearing me play on my family. I wish to play again someday.

5.Learn Urdu/French/Spanish/Italian/Marathi
(Started: Don’t even ask; Ended: More times than I started)

I love languages! You learn a lot about world when you learn languages. Especially the similarities of words in different languages. Someday, I will start this journey of learning another language again and not quit.

The worst part about writing is you are full of ideas when you are away from anything you can scribble on but as soon as you pick up a notebook, everything seems to mix up. It’s like all the colors spiraling into just one big white.

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