Thursday, March 10, 2016

500 Words of Beginning

After numerous tries of writing and failing, this is yet another try to be a writer someday. Well, technically, I am a writer still. After all, I am writing this. So let’s look back and see why I stopped writing back then:


While this is partially true because there’s just one routine I follow every day, five days a week, every single week. Yep, I go to work. Before you start making conclusions: I LOVE MY WORK. It’s challenging and I get to learn a lot but the damned NDA keeps me from talking anything related to it.


How must one find an afflatus like this?

The answer is… I don’t know it yet. I will share it with you when I find it.

Why did I start another blog, you ask? Well, I’m trying this new hobby training app and one of the programs I signed up for (which was free, of course) is #500WED

500 Words Every Day

I have coined a new term today. It is basically an emotional imbalance in a person and you’ll be amazed by how many people actually suffer from this. I’m sure there must be a real term for this, but until I find it, it’s Singlitis.

NOTE: after having written this post and on the stage of editing, I Google the term and it turns out, it already is an existent slang! Sigh, so much for creativity.

Definition: The feeling of loneliness one gets when one has been single for a long time.

Usage: You know it’s Singlitis when you talk about relationships all day

Generally observed: In girl after they’ve been single for almost a year and see everyone around them in love.

  • Sufferer sighs a lot. 
  • Talks to a lot of people thinking it may turn into something better. 
  • Cellular gadget becomes more important than friends. 
  • Higher attention to physique of oneself and the potential partner.

Diagnosis: But DO NOT diagnose yourself as suffering from Singlitis. Only a practiced, experienced single person with a wisdom of more than 3 years can tell you when you TRULY are suffering from it. Any such professional single person is a Certified Singlism Practitioner... like me.

Cure: Keep calm. It’ll go away. I promise. J

Over 460 words. I guess it is a good start. Let me know what you think about this article in the comments. This is a beginning of a new era. And who knows, you may someday find your name in “Acknowledgement” pages in my best seller.

Stay tuned! I have a nice story for tomorrow. Till then, ciao!

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