Tuesday, April 12, 2016

500 Words for a Wedding

A June wedding. That’s what has been decided so far. She is the happiest she can ever be. After all, Indian girls live for this day. For their new lives to begin with freedom. With love. She remembers her sister’s wedding. It was almost as if she could feel her sister breathing in her.

In less than two months, her parents will give her away in marriage to a groom better than the one of her dreams. She didn’t know so many butterflies lived in her stomach. Were they little caterpillars asleep in their cocoon waiting to come out as beautiful butterflies and take over her stomach on this day? She felt so light. Almost as if if the butterflies fluttered their wings with a little more force she may fly away with them.

Oh! The preparations! She has been to so many different stores but didn’t find a single wedding dress of perfection. Partially because she couldn’t get enough of her fiancée. They are always on phone. Their parents had arranged them to be married. An arrangement that turned to blind love for each other in a matter of a phone call. Yes, they have never met each other. They trusted and respected their parents’ decision to go with the flow.

Modern technology has helped them change the arranged marriage to one of love. Constantly exchanging pictures and messages. Pictures not only of them but also of their house after the wedding. Their home. The groom lives far away from his parents because of his work and his parents didn’t want to leave their home town. She will live with him. It is an exciting match that both of them have similar dream of their home. She thanked the Gods every minute for giving her the man who understood her like no one could till now. Not ever her parents. Some things are better understood by your partner, after all.

The wedding dress was still to be decided but she has begun shopping for her regular clothes for the days after the wedding. A sari? No. It’s very difficult to walk around in a sari all day. Okay maybe one or two saris. She doesn’t want to wear denims in the initial days. She has all her life to wear those. A few salwar kameez. Many, actually. A few sun dress. A few “fun” dresses too for the nights of togetherness.

I am next in line to be married. I can feel her emotions reflecting on me. As a pact from childhood, her sister, she and I had efficiently decided who will be whose Maid of Honor. She was her sister’s, I will be hers and mine will be her sister. We quite haven’t talked about if we will follow the pact or let her enjoy the days with her sister. The last of her before she is a missus to someone. I don’t think I will have any other choice but to step down because I am always busy with my work 100 miles away from her. Although a few hours trip, it’s hard to find that time easily. A June wedding. And then next me. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

500 Words for March

“What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”
― Erin Hanson

Yes, that quote is not Freud. After a very long time I have sat down to write something from my mind. Write my feelings. Although not many people read my blog, I feel guilty for not carrying a good habit forward.
A lot is going on in my life right now and I think it is time to share it on my blog! Ha ha. No, I didn’t win a lottery or became a star overnight. These are just some little achievements which I am proud of. As mentioned in my earlier blog, I rarely keep up with a new habit. I have a really small attention span and that’s why I end up quitting 90% of the things that I start. However, since this year, particularly March, I feel I have tried to really get my life together.
A friend suggested to me to change my background since a dull beige wall isn’t the best attraction for a YouTube channel that is trying to grow. I did something I have been planning since last 3-4 years. I made a photo collage. Earlier in the day, when we were kids, people had real cameras with camera real and the photos we developed from negatives. One didn’t know if the photo was good and bad and everyone had to wait over a week to get the photos back. I have a giant cardboard box with photos after photos as packed as sardine. Oh the memories. A lot of things changed this March and I’m just glad all are for the better.
  1. Mum sold my bed off and she still hasn’t decided on a new bed
  2. I made a photo collage wall decoration
  3. Another decoration with fairy lights
  4. Posted videos on my YouTube channel almost every week
  5. Fixed my belly chain which had been broken since October 2013
  6. Crossed my monthly view goal on YouTube
  7. Got my laptop fixed MYSELF

That is my photo collage wall décor.

For a person who never completes anything, I think I have come a long way by achieving many thing out of which only 2 were on my list. April now feels promising. I have already started to wake up earlier than usual. Haven’t had junk food in a week. I’m trying to shed my belly fat till June because my cousin is getting married in June and I’ll be one of the bridesmaid. I need to restart jogging as well. The next thing on my list for today!
Really, getting off of the couch and DOING things is not as hard which you get in the flow. But getting in the flow gives you the most terrible feelings ever. It’s out of your comfort zone, now that you are working, chances of failing are as much as being successful but the end goal still stands there. Being. Successful.
I think I am getting a hold of the whole adulthood phase and boy is it a roller-coaster! And there is one more thing that is keeping me going forward. I don’t feel the “quarter life crisis” as frequently as I used to. I’m 22 and I’m finally catching up to what I should by as a 22 year old woman.

It's surprising how so many people forget that once you've hit rock bottom, the only way is up”

P.S. I have many motivational quotes, comment blow and I may choose the best 50 to post here. They really help.