Sunday, July 31, 2016

500 Words for Update


I have not been able to update my blog since a very long time. To update you and keep an entry for myself, my life has been… just like it was. I started learning French again. I must say I am proud of myself to have done over 20 French exercises!

My YouTube has been slower than ever. The main reason I chose YouTube almost a year ago was because I needed an escape. Life lately has been like pushing a car with flat tire uphill – A lot of hard work and very little regard. But then again it is MY car and I must push it. After trying to be sweet and stuff on my YouTube channel which no one watches, I as now use it as a vent. I will cry about everything that annoys me and everything that is wrong. I’m sure this is a good idea. Once I get all the excuses out of me, I may be more focused on things that will make me better.

The June wedding was absolutely fabulous and I looked pretty. The bride obviously looked pretty. The ceremonies carried on until 4AM in the morning. It rained. A LOT. It’s as if the Gods were too excited for my cousin’s wedding. I hope you guys are equally happy in my wedding. Although I want a beach wedding or a wedding in Haridwar but that’s a story for another day.

Me at the wedding

I still look at the skies and make up all kinds of stories about clouds, sun and everything. I’m not sure how to really put the feeling in words. I feel very small and very big at the same time.

Onto what I’m planning for the rest of the year. I’m preparing for GMAT. I’ve made up my mind to get into a badass school, get a badass job, travel the badass world. That and I’ll maybe make another video and vent out about everything in life.

Wow writing after such a long time is very difficult. I’m rusty! I guess I’ll let it be less that 500 words and maybe writng again tomorrow completing all 500 words.

So, adios amigo!